

I’m Jen, a strategist and mixed methods researcher with a track record in developing actionable insights and partnering with stakeholders to drive innovation and build competitive advantage. 

I’m an experienced leader and mentor, with expertise in training product teams to think like researchers and research teams to think like their stakeholders.  My unique background combining an MBA and a PhD in Experimental Psychology creates a deep understanding of human behavior and how it can be shaped, as well as a strategic mindset that allows for developing insights that are valuable and actionable in both the short and longer term.

I am the kid who never stopped asking “Why?” and “Why not?” and “What if?” The kid who saw the world as a puzzle and knew that asking questions would help put the pieces of the puzzle together in a better way.  That questioning led me to develop complimentary expertise in analyzing both behavior and data.  

 I firmly believe two things:

“If the statistics are boring, you’ve got the wrong numbers.” -Edward Tufte

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” -Albert Einstein



